Mirko Gozzoli & Alessia Betti



Title Album Language Style Length Price
Show (Tango) Line Figures 1,88 €
Show (Slowfox) Line Figures 1,88 €
Show (Quickstep) Line Figures 1,88 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Oversway & Left Lunge (Oversway Shapes) (01) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Point Oversway (Oversway Shapes) (02) (Tango) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Lowered Oversway (Oversway Shapes) (03) (Slowfox) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Oversway & Lady’s Developé (Oversway Shapes) (04) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Tilt Oversway (Oversway Shapes) (05) (Quickstep) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Throwaway Oversway & Left Lunge (Oversway Shapes) (06) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Throwaway Oversway & Left Lunge (Oversway Shapes) (07) (Tango) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Throwaway Oversway (Oversway Shapes) (08) (Quickstep) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Inverted Throwaway Oversway & Same Foot Lunge (Oversway Shapes) (09) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Hinge & Eros Line (Oversway Shapes) (10) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Hinge (Oversway Shapes) (11) (Tango) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Overturned Left Lunge (Oversway Shapes) (12) (Slowfox) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Right Lunge (Lunges To R) (13) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Right Lunge & Left Lunge (Lunges To R) (14) (Tango) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Same Foot Lunge (Lunges To R) (15) (Slowfox) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Same Foot Lunge & Lady's Developé (Lunges To R) (16) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Same Foot Lunge Point (Lunges To R) (17) (Tango) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Right Hinge & Contra Check (Lunges To R) (18) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Right Hinge (Lunges To R) (19) (Tango) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Contra Check (Contra Checks) (20) (Viennese Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Contra Check (Contra Checks) (21) (Tango) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Contra Check (Contra Checks) (22) (Quickstep) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Eros to R (Eros Line) (23) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Whiplash (Whiplash) (24) (Slow Waltz) Line Figures 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Whiplash & Contra Point (Whiplash) (25) (Tango) Line Figures 2,84 €
Basic Principles - Basic Definitions - Basic Actions A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Running Spin Turn (Strong Movement 01) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Running Weave (Strong Movement 02) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Running Feather (Strong Movement 03) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Running Feather from PP (Strong Movement 04) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Side Cross (Strong Movement 05) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Side Cross from PP (Strong Movement 06) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Syncopated Side Cross (Strong Movement 07) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Double Side Cross (Strong Movement 08) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Double Side Cross from PP (Strong Movement 09) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Weave to CPP (Step 1-3) to Fallaway (Strong Movement 10) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Fallaway Whisk from PP (Strong Movement 11) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Quick Open Telemark from PP (Strong Movement 12) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Quick Closed Telemark from PP (Strong Movement 13) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Quick Open Natural Telemark from PP (Strong Movement 14) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Quick Closed Natural Telemark from PP (Strong Movement 15) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Quick Weave from PP (Strong Movement 16) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Curved Three Step (Strong Movement 17) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Curved Three Step from PP (Strong Movement 18) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Tumble Turn (Strong Rotation 01) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Overspin from Double Reverse Spin (Strong Rotation 02) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Overspin from Double Natural Spin (Strong Rotation 03) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Promenade Pivot from Overturned Reverse Swivel (Strong Rotation 04) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Chassé Roll to L (Strong Rotation 05) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Chassé Roll to R (Strong Rotation 06) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Big Top (Strong Rotation 07) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Telespin (Strong Rotation 08) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Telespin from PP (Strong Rotation 09) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Teleswivel (Strong Rotation 10) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Teleswivel from PP (Strong Rotation 11) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Quick Open Natural Turn & Outside Spin (Strong Rotation 12) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Turning Lock to R to Pivot (Strong Rotation 13) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Standing Spin to L (Other Turns 01) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Standing Spin to R (Other Turns 02) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Reverse Impetus (Other Turns 03) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Reverse Impetus to CPP (Other Turns 04) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Checked Natural Turn (Checks & Hovers 01) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Checked Reverse Turn (Checks & Hovers 02) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Checked Weave to Open Toe Pivot (Checks & Hovers 03) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Travelling Contra Check to PP (Checks & Hovers 04) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Hover to PP from Oversway Shape (Checks & Hovers 05) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Hover Cross to PP (Checks & Hovers 06) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Hover Cross & Weave Ending (Checks & Hovers 07) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Hover Cross continuing fwd to Natural Weave (Checks & Hovers 08) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Hover Cross continuing fwd to Same Foot Lunge (Checks & Hovers 09) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Left Side Fwd Swivel (Swivels & Rondes 01) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Right Side Fwd Swivel (Swivels & Rondes 02) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Inverted Swivel to Developé (Swivels & Rondes 03) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Dropped Rondé from Turning Lock (Swivels & Rondes 04) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Rudolf Fallaway from Natural Pivot (Swivels & Rondes 05) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Rondé Twist Turn (Slowfox) (Swivels & Rondes 06) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Leg Hook (Slow Waltz) (Swivels & Rondes 07) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Extended Weave (Particular 01) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Four Feathers (Particular 02) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Three Fallaways (Particular 03) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Three Fallaways turning L-R-L (Particular 04) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Hover to PP from Feather Finish (Particular 05) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Travelling Hover Cross to Feather Step (Particular 06) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Hover Cross to Extended Weave Ending (Particular 07) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Turning Five Step from Same Foot Lunge (Particular 01) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Double Chase from PP (Particular 02) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Quarter Beats (Particular 03) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Back Checks from PP (Particular 04) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Lock Step in PP (Particular 05) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Side Cross from PP (Particular 06) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Fan Action from PP (Particular 07) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Left Side Walks (Particular 08) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Spanish Drag (Particular 09) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Stop Lock to Lock Action and Sync Basic Reverse Turn (Particular 10) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Pepperpot (Particular 01) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Scatter (Coninuous) Chassés to R (Particular 02) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Scatter (Coninuous) Chassés to L (Particular 03) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Pendulum Points (Particular 04) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Woodpecker Actions (Particular 05) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Stutter Chassés to Hover (Particular 06) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Running Fishtail from PP (Particular 07) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Bounce Locks (Particular 08) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Rocket (Particular 09) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Left Side Runs to PP from Open Natural Turn (Particular 10) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Scissor Kicks (Particular 11) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Tipsy to Side Check, Back Check & Oversway (Particular 12) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Oversway (Line Figure 01) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Oversway to PP (Line Figure 02) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Trowaway Oversway (Line Figure 03) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Hinge (Line Figure 04) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Tilt Oversway (Line Figure 05) (Quickstep) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Inverted Trowaway Oversway (Line Figure 06) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Right Lunge (Line Figure 07) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Same Foot Lunge (Line Figure 08) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Right Hinge (Line Figure 09) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Opposition Point to L from PP (Line Figure 10) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Opposition Point to R from PP (Line Figure 11) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Eros Line (Line Figure 12) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Left Lunge (Line Figure 13) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Chair from PP (Line Figure 14) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Whiplash from PP (Line Figure 15) (Slowfox) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Developé to Leg Hook from Oversway (Line Figure 16) (Slow Waltz) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
X-Line (Line Figure 17) (Tango) A Technique Of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures 1,88 €
Show (Slow Waltz) Highlighting Headweight 1,88 €
Show (Tango) Highlighting Headweight 1,88 €
Show (Slowfox) Highlighting Headweight 1,88 €
Show (Viennese Waltz) Highlighting Headweight 1,88 €
Exercises - Headweight for Lady & Man Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (01) (Slow Waltz) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (02) (Slow Waltz) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (03) (Slow Waltz) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (01) (Slowfox) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (02) (Slowfox) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (03) (Slowfox) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (01) (Tango) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (02) (Tango) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (03) (Tango) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (01) (Quickstep) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (02) (Quickstep) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (03) (Quickstep) Highlighting Headweight 3,81 €
Show & Credits 'Highlighting Headweight' (Quickstep) Highlighting Headweight 1,88 €
Intro 'La Base' (Standard) La Base 0,00 €
Choreography & Mini Lecture - Basic (Slow Waltz) La Base 3,81 €
Choreography & Mini Lecture - Basic (Viennese Waltz) La Base 3,81 €
Choreography & Mini Lecture - Basic (Quickstep) La Base 3,81 €
Choreography & Mini Lecture - Basic (Slowfox) La Base 3,81 €
Choreography & Mini Lecture - Basic (Tango) La Base 3,81 €
Basic Principles - Body-, Leg- & Arm-Position (Standard) La Base 3,81 €
Show (Tango) La Base 1,88 €
Show (Slowfox) La Base 1,88 €
Show (Viennese Waltz) La Base 1,88 €
Show (Slow Waltz) La Base 1,88 €
Show (Quickstep) La Base 1,88 €
Intro 'Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing' (Standard) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 0,00 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Contra Check & Throwaway Oversway (01) (Slow Waltz) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Left Whisk & Sam Foot Lunge (02) (Slow Waltz) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. X-Line & Oversway (03) (Slow Waltz) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Contra Check & Spanish Drag (01) (Tango) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Developé, Oversway & Same Foot Lunge (02) (Tango) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Left Lunge (03) (Tango) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Oversway & Developé (01) (Slowfox) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Right Lunge & Left Lunge (02) (Slowfox) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Same Foot Lunge, Fast Throwaway Oversway (03) (Slowfox) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Tilt Oversway & Oversway (01) (Quickstep) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Contra Check (02) (Quickstep) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Choreography - Advanced Level feat. Oversway & Left Lunge (03) (Quickstep) Line Figure Combinations of Ballroom Dancing 2,84 €
Intro 'New Steps to Success - Waltz' (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 0,00 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (1) (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (2) (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (3) (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (1) (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (2) (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (3) (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (01) (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (02) (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (03) (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Basic Principles - One Point Advice (Slow Waltz) New Steps to Success - Waltz 5,74 €
Intro 'New Steps to Success - Tango' (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 0,00 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (1) (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (2) (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (3) (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (1) (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (2) (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (3) (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (01) (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (02) (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (03) (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Basic Principles - One Point Advice (Tango) New Steps to Success - Tango 5,74 €
Intro 'New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot' (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 0,00 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (1) (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (2) (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (3) (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (1) (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (2) (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (3) (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (01) (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (02) (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (03) (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Basic Principles - One Point Advice (Slowfox) New Steps to Success - Slow Foxtrot 5,74 €
Intro 'New Steps to Success - Quickstep' (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 0,00 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (1) (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (2) (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
Choreography - Basic, Beginner Level (3) (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (1) (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (2) (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
Choreography - Intermediate Level (3) (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (01) (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (02) (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
Choreography - Advanced Level (03) (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
Basic Principles - One Point Advice (Quickstep) New Steps to Success - Quickstep 5,74 €
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